Minggu, 26 Februari 2012

7 Steps to Achieving Potential Life

The spirit of the morning ...

Everyone longed for a better future; success in career, home and social relations, but we often hit by various constraints. And the biggest obstacle, however, lies in ourselves. Through his work, Joel Osteen challenges us to get out of the narrow mindset and start thinking with a new paradigm.

There are 7 steps that we achieve the maximum potential life:

* The first step is to expand horizons.

You have to look at life with eyes of faith, look at yourself is bolted to a higher level. You must have a clear mental picture of what you will achieve. This picture should be a part of you, in your mind, in your conversation, seep into your subconscious mind, in deeds and in every
aspects of life.

* Step two is to develop a healthy self image.

That means you have to underpin the picture yourself on what God says about you. Achieving the goal of your success depends on how you perceive yourself and how you feel about yourself. Because it will determine your level of confidence in the act. The fact that you will never shot higher than what you think about yourself

* Step three is to discover the power behind the mind and speech.

The main target of the attack the enemy is thinking. He knew if he managed to control and manipulate what you think, then he will work to control and manipulate all your life.
Determine the attitude of mind, attitude and self image. The mind set goals. The Bible warns us to always keep your thoughts.

* The fourth step is the release of the past, let it go ...

You may have lost everything that no one should experience in life. If you want to live victoriously, you should not memakaitrauma past as an excuse to make bad choices at this time. You must have the courage not to make the past as a reason for this attitude burukmuselama, or justify your actions to not forgive someone.

* Step five is to find strength in the worst circumstances

We have to be: "I can just drop a few times in this life, but but I will not continue to live down there." We all face challenges in life. We all have things that come against us. We may be imposed from outside, but the key to victorious living is to learn how to rise again from the inside.

* Step six is ​​to give with joy.

One of the biggest challenges we face is the temptation to live selfish. For we know that God does want the best for us, He wants us to prosper, to enjoy the grace and many more that He has provided for us, but sometimes we forget and get caught up in selfish behavior. Surely we will experience more joy than I ever imagined when we want to share life with others.

* Step seven is to choose to be happy today.

You do not have to wait until all your problems solved. You do not have to postpone happiness until you reach all your target. God wants you to be happy any condition, right now!

Let's Dream ...
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Wonders of the Alms For Business

Alms own mystery for mankind. Charity can bring a blessing, sometimes it's a real blessing. Many have already proved this. Have you wrote "googling". So what if our businesses are also decorated with the charity? Hemmm would be wonderful. Blessings will always tercurahkan on your business.

I remember well, in 2000's I was never disappointed with the name of charity. Imagine, I have a business that generates a lot of profit at the time. After reading a book that talks about charity, I was practicing. Eh, the results are not as written in the book. Instead, I attempt to be deteriorating and eventually closed. But finally I realized, I do not want to prejudice to God. I still think positively deal with this problem, and finally all of my back on God. Maybe I lack iklas, or indeed God had other plans are better for my business forward.

Finally alms really proven to me. When I sell the inventory of office, I met many people who inspire new business for me. Some people work with me and some others I took the idea of my other businesses.

From my experience above, I can finally take the conclusion; iklas and keep thinking positive is the key to give alms to the smoothness of our business. If the effect is not charity we feel at once like a story most people, would we feel when we really need it. Remember God has promised to double every charity that we remove it, no matter how small it is.

Let's Dream ...
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What Are Muslim Teachings On Wealth And Poverty?

Those endowed with extraordinary gifts (the wealthy) should make use of it in catering for the interest of others and for development. Keep in mind that nothing that we "own" is actually ours. It belongs to Allah (the One God). That money in your wallet is not yours, but rather God gave it to you (so use it wisely by putting it towards something good). Thus that means that the homeless man at the corner has a right to your hard earnings so be generous & trust that Allah will pay you back many fold, (if not in this life than the next).

Zakah is one of the 5 pillars of Islam. Enjoining Zakah (obligatory charity) on the rich;
to take a portion of their wealth and give it to the poor. The system of Zakah, set down by Islam, is just to help the poor find means of sustenance through what they receive from Zakah, be it in form of annual payments or through granting them permanent financial security.

One of the most important principles of Islam is that all things belong to God, and that wealth is therefore held by human beings in trust. The word zakat means both 'purification' and 'growth'. Our possessions are purified by setting aside a proportion for those in need, and, like the pruning of plants, this cutting back balances and encourages new growth. Each Muslim calculates his or her own zakat individually. For most purposes this involves the payment each year of 2 1/2 % of one's capital.

A pious person may also give as much as he or she pleases as sadaqa, and does so preferably in secret. Although this word can be translated as 'voluntary charity' it has a wider meaning. The Prophet said 'even meeting your brother with a cheerful face is charity.'

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:

'Charity is a necessity for every Muslim. ' He was asked: 'What if a person has nothing?' The Prophet replied: 'He should work with his own hands for his benefit and then give something out of such earnings in charity.' The Companions asked: 'What if he is not able to work?' The Prophet said: 'He should help poor and needy persons.' The Companions further asked 'What if he cannot do even that?' The Prophet said 'He should urge others to do good.' The Companions said 'What if he lacks that also?' The Prophet said "He should check himself from doing evil. That is also charity."

Giving What We Can

Charity Quotations

Many people have spoken eloquently on the topic of charity or aid. Here is a collection of quotations from a wide variety of sources, ranging from the conservative to the radical. We hope you find them challenging and interesting.

“A man’s true wealth is the good he does in this world.”

— Muhammad (570 – 632 CE).

“Is the rich world aware of how four billion of the six billion live? If we were aware, we would want to help out, we’d want to get involved.”

— Bill Gates (1955 –)

“But history will judge you, and as the years pass, you will ultimately judge yourself, in the extent to which you have used your gifts and talents to lighten and enrich the lives of your fellow men. In your hands lies the future of your world and the fulfillment of the best qualities of your own spirit.”

— Robert F. Kennedy (speech at Berkeley, 1966)

“If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.”

— John F. Kennedy (Inaugural Address, 1961)

Zakat and Sadaqah Increase Wealth

By: Shaheed Ayatullah Abdul Husain Dastghaib Shirazi
In the following Qur’anic ayats Allah (S.w.T.) promises that anything spent in Allah (S.w.T.)’s way will be amply rewarded both in this world and the hereafter,
“…and He causes Charitable deeds to prosper.” (Surah al-Baqarah 2: 276)
“…and whatever thing you spend, He exceeds it in reward, and He is the best of Sustainers.” (Surah Saba 34: 39)
“…and whatever you give in charity, desiring Allah’s pleasure it is these (persons) that shall get manifold.” (Surah ar-Rūm 30: 39)
Paying Zakat and spending it in the prescribed manner increases one’s wealth. The stingy and the niggardly believe that they will be impoverished if they spend in Allah (S.w.T.)’s ways, in direct contradiction to what Allah (S.w.T.) has promised in His holy Qur’an and the traditions of Ahl ul-Bayt (a.s.), some of which are mentioned below.
In the sermon of Fadak, Janabe Fatimah Zahra (S) says,
“Allah has appointed faith for purifying you from polytheism and made prayer Wajib to cleanse you from pride and arrogance. Made Zakat obligatory to purify you from miserliness and parsimony. (so that man is imbued with the goodly quality of charitableness and is purified of the impurity of sinful deeds). And this is also the cause for increasing your sustenance.”
It is related from Hazrat Amir ul-Mu’minīn ‘Ali (a.s.): “One who spends for a good cause is recompensed by Allah in this world and there is also an increase in his reward of the hereafter.” (al-Kāfi)
‘Ali (a.s.) also said,
“Seek the sustenance through Sadaqah” (Wasa’il ul-Shia Vol. 6 page 259)
It is mentioned in the book Oddatud Dai that Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) asked his son,
“How much amount is there for household expenses?”
“Forty Dinars,” replied the son.
Imam (a.s.) told him give in charity all the forty Dinars. The son said that there was nothing else apart from the forty Dinars. Imam (a.s.) said,
“You donate all of it in charity, the Almighty Allah will recompense it. Don’t you know that there is a key to everything? And the key to sustenance is Sadaqah.” His son Muhammad gave away the forty Dinars in charity, Ten days had hardly passed when Imam (a.s.) received four thousand Dinars. He told his son,
“O Son! We had given forty Dinars and Allah gave us four thousand in return.”
Amir ul-Mu’minīn ‘Ali (a.s.) says in Nahjul Balagha that whenever poverty strikes, you must trade with Allah by giving Sadaqah.
Imam Riďa (a.s.) asked his slave,
“Have you given anything in the way of Allah today?”
“No! By Allah,” replied the slave.
“Then how would Allah give us anything in return?” said Imam (a.s.).
Explaining the Qur’anic Verse,
“…and whatever thing you spend, He exceeds it in reward and He is the best of sustainers.” (Surah Saba 34: 39)
Imam Sadiq (a.s.) said,
“Do you think Allah goes back on His word?”
“No!” replied the narrator,
“Then why do you not receive the recompense of your charity?”
“I don’t know”, said the narrator.
Imam (a.s.) said, “If one of you acquires Halāl sustenance and spends even a Dirham from it, he is certainly recompensed for it.” (al-Kāfi Vol. 2 page 595)
It means that if he is not recompensed, either the money was acquired unlawfully or it was spent in an illegal way.