Minggu, 26 Februari 2012

Wonders of the Alms For Business

Alms own mystery for mankind. Charity can bring a blessing, sometimes it's a real blessing. Many have already proved this. Have you wrote "googling". So what if our businesses are also decorated with the charity? Hemmm would be wonderful. Blessings will always tercurahkan on your business.

I remember well, in 2000's I was never disappointed with the name of charity. Imagine, I have a business that generates a lot of profit at the time. After reading a book that talks about charity, I was practicing. Eh, the results are not as written in the book. Instead, I attempt to be deteriorating and eventually closed. But finally I realized, I do not want to prejudice to God. I still think positively deal with this problem, and finally all of my back on God. Maybe I lack iklas, or indeed God had other plans are better for my business forward.

Finally alms really proven to me. When I sell the inventory of office, I met many people who inspire new business for me. Some people work with me and some others I took the idea of my other businesses.

From my experience above, I can finally take the conclusion; iklas and keep thinking positive is the key to give alms to the smoothness of our business. If the effect is not charity we feel at once like a story most people, would we feel when we really need it. Remember God has promised to double every charity that we remove it, no matter how small it is.

Let's Dream ...
Let's Share ...

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